Here's my video walkthrough:
And this is my written walkthrough! Tips: (Italics means it is optional) (Bold means it is necessary, but not necessarily right now) (Underlined mean a new location)
Sally's Cabin
Call Vivian Whitmore
Make sure to ask all available conversations! (I believe each one is important)
Ranger Station
Envelopes puzzle!
Help: There is a Roman Numerals section on the computer next to the box. If you need help reading Roman Numerals, I would read it.
Remember! Earliest date goes in the front of the box, meaning the bottom of each column!
Hint: If the X is before the L it is most likely in the third column from the left. There is an exception though.
That's it for this walkthrough video! If you have ANY questions, comment on my post. I will respond ASAP and put it in my walkthrough for others. Thank you!