Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake part 9

Here's my video walkthrough:

And this is my written walkthrough! Tips:  (Italics means it is optional) (Bold means it is necessary, but not necessarily right now) (Underlined mean a new location)

Sally's Cabin

Call Vivian Whitmore
Make sure to ask all available conversations! (I believe each one is important)

Ranger Station

Envelopes puzzle!
       Help: There is a Roman Numerals section on the computer next to the box. If you need help reading Roman Numerals, I would read it.
                Remember! Earliest date goes in the front of the box, meaning the bottom of each column!
       Hint: If the X is before the L it is most likely in the third column from the left. There is an exception though.
That's it for this walkthrough video! If you have ANY questions, comment on my post. I will respond ASAP and put it in my walkthrough for others. Thank you!

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake part 8

Here's the video walkthrough:

And this is my written walkthrough! Tips:  (Italics means it is optional) (Bold means it is necessary, but not necessarily right now) (Underlined mean a new location)
Sally's Cabin

Go up the stairs and change it to the A.M. or morning.

Ranger Station

Talk to Jeff Akers. Ask all available options.
You may organize the envelopes right now if you wish, but I shall be giving a spoiler for it later in
      my walkthrough.

Outside (Front)

After you come back from the ranger station, notice to your left a very old-looking tree trunk.
Take a picture of the bird you find!


Solution to puzzle:
      Click shovel.
      Click gas (2x?)
      Click shovel.
      Click gnome.
      Click lever that gnome head fell on 2x.

That's it for this walkthrough video! If you have ANY questions, comment on my post. I will respond ASAP and put it in my walkthrough for others. Thank you!