Nancy's friend Sally McDonald invites her to come to her new cabin on Moon Lake, but when Nancy arrives Sally is nowhere to be found. She has been scared off by these ghost dogs that sometimes attack the house and you can hear howling every night. They were the dogs of the 20's gangster Mickey Malone who built the cabin Sally is living in. It is said that every time someone new tries to live in the cabin, Malone's hounds come back. They don't want anyone to live in their house. But, Nancy being the skeptical type, doesn't believe that these ghost dogs are real. She learns that Malone was in charge of a gold heist in 1931, and the gold was never found. It is possible that someone is trying to scare Sally off, so that they can find the gold. It's time for a treasure hunt!
I love the plot! You get launched into it quickly and it is very creepy. You even get a little history in there because it talks a lot about Mickey Malone. The plot gets a 10/10.
Emily Griffen is the owner of a store on the west side of the lake named Em's Emporium. She is very friendly, but she is absolutely terrified of the ghost dogs! She sells nearly everything under the sun! She seems to know a lot about the ghost dog legend. Does she know enough to pull off an elaborate ruse?
Jeff Akers is the lone ranger at Moon Lake park. He is very strict and loves enforcing rules. He is always busy and wishes to have an assistant ranger. If the park had ten more acres of land, he would be able to get this assistant, and he had that opportunity, but Sally bought the land before the park did. Could Ranger Akers trying to acquire Malone's cabin as parkland?
Red Knott is a birdwatcher that has a platform not far from Sally's cabin. He is very gruff and doesn't seem to like Nancy very much. If there's anything he wants, it would be to be able to watch birds in peace. He seems to hate tourist because they scare away the birds. Is he trying to get the Malone cabin empty so he can look for birds in peace?
Bess Marvin and George Fayne are again available for calling. Always ready to help and entertain you!
Sally McDonald has left the cabin, but you can still call her. She can give you more information about the cabin and the people that she met. She is terrified by the ghost dogs, but she will help in any way she can.
Vivian Whitmore is Mickey's Malone's old girlfriend. Later in the game, you can call her for more information about Mickey Malone and his dogs. She is a great source of information.
At some point Bess and George will give you Frank and Joe Hardy's number. They are, too, willing to help and entertain you!
The characters were fairly strong, but one of them you don't have as much conversation with. I feel like more situations could have come up that you have an excuse to talk to that person. That person could have been expanded on. So, I'm giving the characters an 8/10.
The graphics were fairly good. There were a couple of instances where the graphics was good, but of course it is an older game and not as up to date on the graphics today. I'll give graphics a 7/10.
You don't snoop through the suspect's stuff very much, but there is several hidden areas to discover, but no off-limits areas. There wasn't very much snooping if you like snooping. I'll give snooping a 4/10.
The music set the tone well. It is creepy and maybe we could go as far to say it was eerie. And there are a couple of songs with a lighter feel to it, so it doesn't feel terribly dark. The music had somewhat of a variety, and I think it was pretty good. I'll give music an 8/10
The ending was good, because you are able to find a lot of things which gradually leads to figure out who the culprit is, rather than the culprit just showing up out of the blue. It's very exciting and well thought through. I believe it wraps up things nicely. I give it a 10/10.
In my opinion, the puzzles are fairly easy. There is one though that I don't understand fully to this day. I've tried to figure it out why this is the solution to the puzzle, but I have yet to figure it out. The puzzles could have been a little more challenging, but they are alright the way they are. I give the puzzles a 6/10.
Scare Factor
It was a fairly creepy game. It's been a while since I've played it the first time, which is always creepier when you don't know what's happening. It did freak out some of my friends though, so I'll give it an 8/10.
This game was a pretty fun game! I enjoyed it and I'm sure many other people will, too. Adding up all my scores together, I gave the game an 8/10 which means it's a really good game! I recommend it to those who enjoy the Roaring Twenties, a good scare and a treasure hunt! I also recommend it to those who don't like snooping very much, but love a good plot and resolution!