Here's my video walkthrough:
And this is my written walkthrough! Tips: (Italics means it is optional) (Bold means it is necessary, but not necessarily right now) (Underlined mean a new location)
Nancy's Room
Set the alarm to 3 AM - 6 AM (3 AM would probably be best)
When you enter the lobby, turn left and you will find Professor Hotchkiss in a chair.
Talk to her.
If you wish to talk to Professor Hotchkiss about the robbery, make sure to click on every option that mentions the robbery. This is your only chance.
She will give your her pass key!
Hotchkiss' Room
Use the passkey that Hotchkiss gave you to open the door.
Read Hotchkiss' notes to the right of the typewriter.
Look at her boots. (Not very interesting)
To the left of her boots, on the table by the mirror, there is a video camera. Watch the video.
Take out the thing that looks like a USB.
To the right of the video camera, there is a charger for that "USB". Put the USB in it.
In the briefcase, to the left of the mirror table, is a letter. Read it.
Talk to Hotchkiss.
Main Room
Go behind Dexter's desk.
Towards the middle of his desk, is a notebook. Look at it.
You will see drawers in the back, go to the drawer pointed at in the picture below:
Go to the library:
At the entrance from the lobby, turn right.
Keep going forward until you get to the four-way section.
Turn right.
Don't go inside yet!
Press the call button on the elevator but DO NOT go inside.
Use the key from the drawer on the brown doors AKA the library.
The alarm will go off:
Go forward twice and turn around to face the door.
On the left side of the door is the alarm. MAKE SURE YOU DON'T EXIT THE LIBRARY.
Type the code into the alarm pad. It is 3*72
Go up the stairs and through the vent, into the Elevator Shaft.
Elevator Room
You will see that the elevator is now gone!
Don't go through the door on the right!
There is an opening with a bunch of bars on the left side of the room. Go up to it.
If there is something in the way of the opening I just mentioned, press the red button to the right of it.
The puzzle is a "guess and check" puzzle. We will not have the same solution. All I can tell you is this:
Press a bar.
Did it stay out? That is the first bar you must click. Click that one first from now on.
Did it shrink back? That is NOT the first bar. Try another one until you get the right one.
Press another bar.
Did it stay out? That is the second one in order.
Did it shrink back? That is NOT the second one. Start over and click the first one first and guess till you get the second one.
Keep doing this until all the bars are sticking out.
The wall will open up.
Passageways (Front)
Go forward until you can't anymore.
Turn left.
Turn right when you come to the dead end.
Talk to Jacques.
That's it for this walkthrough video! If you have ANY questions, comment on my post. I will respond ASAP and put it in my walkthrough for others. Thank you!
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