Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake part 1

Here is my video walkthrough:

And this is my written walkthrough! Tips: (Italics means it is optional) (Bold means it is necessary, but not necessarily right now) (Underlined mean a new location)


Zoom into the phone. It is near the middle right of your screen.
Answer it.
Talk to Sally using whatever conversation options you would like.
Notice the creepy noises.
Opposite the phone there is a door. Go outside.

Front Yard

Go forward until something happens.
Talk to Red Knott using whatever conversation options you would like.

That's it for this video! It's a little short and it's only an introduction video, so I didn't have much to say in my written walkthrough for this part. If you have ANY questions, comment on my post. I will respond ASAP and put it in my walkthrough for others. Thank you!

The Treasure of the Royal Tower Review

Here is my first review. Yay!


You, as Nancy Drew, find yourself in Wickford Castle at Wisconsin. Nancy was ready for a nice, relaxing skiing vacation, but things take an unexpected turn. First, she get snowed in. No one can get in. No one can get out. No one can ski. She then hears about the various acts of vandalism. The library has been torn apart, and when I say torn apart I mean TORN APART. Someone even punched a hole in the wall! Also, the professor in the building claims she had something stolen but she refuses to talk to anyone about it! Something strange is most definitely going on at Wickford Castle. Perhaps it has to do with Marie Antoinette's tower that was imported from France and connected to the building? Maybe there was more to it than superstition that led Ezra Wickford, the builder of the castle, to have mysterious dead ends throughout the castle. It's up to you as Nancy Drew to figure that out!

It is an interesting plot line, but it takes a little bit to shift into gear. I give the plot a 6/10. Yes, I am very strict.


Professor Beatrice Hotchkiss teaches French History and she loves Marie Antoinette! But, many people think she is a real quack. Perhaps because she refuses to come out of her room and she is constantly typing and muttering to herself. Is she plotting something sinister?

Dexter Egan is constantly complaining and doesn't seem very happy. Most of the time, he won't give you a straight answer. He is very closed about himself. Is he trying to hide something?

Jacques Brunais is the French ski instructor at the lounge, who is supposed to be very cute. He seems to have washed down the tubes, as he used to be a professional Olympic skier for France, but at the Olympics he fell flat on his face. He seems to know a lot about the tower's heritage. Is there something he knows that he isn't telling you?

Lisa Ostrum is the very kind magazine writer. She is researching old castles and mansions for an article she is writing and she is dying to get into that royal tower! She is as eager to figure everything out as Nancy is but is there an ulterior purpose for her eagerness?

Bess Marvin and George Fayne are phone friends again in this game! You can always call them for a hint. They are very useful and sometimes funny.

Ned Nickerson, Nancy's boyfriend, is also a phone friend in this game. He gives hints and is very sweet and supportive boyfriend in this game. As always, he is on Nancy's side.

I thought the characters were very well-developed except for one, which I thought could use a little more development. I give the characters an 8/10


The graphics weren't the best, but this game was made a fairly long time ago. There were some times when my computer took a little bit to respond when I told it what I wanted to do or when I was showing it a video. I'll give it a 5/10


There was definitely snooping. There isn't very much snooping in the suspects' stuff, but there is a little. You do get to go into some off-limits and hidden areas that are very enjoyable to snoop in! I give snooping a 10/10


The music was definitely what I consider classical. It fit the theme of the royal tower well, but I am not a big fan of classical. It is also hard to find many differences between these tracks except for the suspenseful tracks. Half of the suspenseful tracks also seemed very quiet and not easy to catch. I'd give the music a 6/10.


The ending was surprising, but not exactly in a good way. The ending puzzle wasn't very difficult, but it was tough to figure out what you were supposed to do unless you are a very observant player, which I am not. The culprit's explanation for why they did it was not very good. I'd have liked to have more insight into the culprit's motive. I give the ending a 6/10.


The puzzles were not as challenging as they were just trying to figure out what you're supposed to do exactly. Even when you did know what to do, it seemed a little easy except for one or two puzzles which were very difficult. That creates somewhat of a balance. I'm going to give the puzzles a 7/10.

Scare Factor

There wasn't much of a scare factor. Maybe a little suspense but not enough to make you jump out of your chair. But I don't think this game is intended to be very scary. If you are looking for a scary game, don't get this one. Scare factor gets a 4/10.


Overall, the game was alright. It's not one of my favorites, but as all Nancy Drew games, I would play it again. Combining all the scores together, I gave the game a 6/10. That means that it was an OK game. I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in history, the French Revolution or Marie Antoinette. I would also recommend it do those Nancy Drew fans who enjoy snooping and not much of a scare factor

That marks the end of my first review!!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Treasure in the Royal Tower - Easter Eggs, Deaths and more!

Here is my video for the Easter Eggs:

There aren't really any Easter Eggs in particular for this game. In place, there are some special numbers you can call. Those numbers are: 
        462-2287 or GOCATS
        620-8225 or MCQUACK
        272-2274 or ARACARI

Here is my video for the various deaths in the game:

First death is in the elevator shaft. You die when you try to reach the ladder when you are on the first or second floor.

Second death is the first time you go in the library, when Dexter comes in. If you don't turn back or don't make it back in time, he will catch you.

Third death is when you enter the library with the key. If you don't turn off the alarm or panic and try to exit through the door, Dexter will catch you.

Fourth death is in the room with the guess and check puzzle. If the elevator is on the second floor, there will be weights in front of the puzzle. You press the red button to lift these weights.  If you do not do the puzzle fast enough, you will be crushed by these weights.

Fifth death is when you are locked outside. You eventually freeze to death.

Sixth death is in the Ski Shed. If you start the ski lift without a good purpose, Dexter will catch you. The second time you do it, you will be sent home.

Seventh death is at the end of the game. If you chase the culprit, he/she will get away.


There are some things that you can do that I did not do in my video. Here are those things:

You can look through Lisa's locker. You do this by finding your locker combination in the drawer of your desk in your room. Talk to Jacques after you try to open your locker. Then, try the combo on the different locker he told you to try. Look through Lisa's stuff! This accesses a new conversation between you and Lisa and Hotchkiss and you.

If your alarm is not working, repeat the lights puzzle, because you must have mixed something up.

If you get Lisa mad at you, check your messages circa the knock out.

That's it for this last and final post for my first walkthrough! If you have ANY questions, comment on my post. I will respond ASAP and put it in my walkthrough for others. Thank you! 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Treasure in the Royal Tower part 10

Here's the video walkthrough:

And this is my written walkthrough! Tips: (Italics means it is optional) (Bold means it is necessary, but not necessarily right now) (Underlined mean a new location)


Talk to Professor Hotchkiss.

Hotchkiss' Room

On the typewriter desk, read the translation in Marie's journal.
On the upper left corner of the desk, pick up the decoder: Loyalty, Honor and Courage. Those are the        words that were in bold in Marie's journal!

Royal Tower

Zoom into the purple rose of Marie Antoinette's portrait.
Use the spade from the knight we picked up a while back to carve it out.
Grab the thing you find inside. I'll call it the square key.
Zoom into the thing on the floor. We'll call it a chest.
Put the red medallion into the upper left circle.
Put the blue medallion into the upper right circle.
Put the green medallion into the bottom circle.
Put the square key in the square in the middle.
Ask the culprit whatever questions you want.
Press the button we found to the left of the stairs to the Royal Tower.

Listen to the ending letter! Congratulations! You won the game!If you have ANY questions, comment on my post. I will respond ASAP and put it in my walkthrough for others. Thank you! 

The Treasure in the Royal Tower part 9

Here's my video walkthrough:

And this is my written walkthrough! Tips: (Italics means it is optional) (Bold means it is necessary, but not necessarily right now) (Underlined mean a new location)

Peephole Room

The peephole room is the room right past Hotchkiss' room
Zoom in on the peephole below the portrait of Marie Antoinette
Look through the peephole with the green medallion
Look through the peephole with the blue medallion
Look through the peephole with the red medallion

Nancy's Room

Set alarm to 3:00 AM.


Talk to Hotchkiss about everything except the journal you found.
Now, tell her about Marie's journal.

Nancy's Room

Set alarm to 3:00 AM.

This video was really short to make up for the really long video last time. If you have ANY questions, comment on my post. I will respond ASAP and put it in my walkthrough for others. Thank you!