Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake part 10

Here's the video walkthrough:

And this is my written walkthrough! Tips:  (Italics means it is optional) (Bold means it is necessary, but not necessarily right now) (Underlined mean a new location)

Moon Lake Park Ranger Station

Read everything in the envelopes. You can only read the ones in MCMXLI, MCMXXXII, MCMXXV and MCMXCVII.
Talk to Ranger Akers and ask about all available conversations. Each one is important.


Go towards the wall safe we found last time.
Use the pin Jeff Akers gave you in the tiny hole.
Enter the combo: 012932
Use your mask and gloves (from the sink and the shed) to get the journal.
I recommend reading the journal, but if you don't feel like it that is OK. The game just makes more sense when you do.

That's it for this walkthrough video! If you have ANY questions, comment on my post. I will respond ASAP and put it in my walkthrough for others. Thank you!