Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake - Easter Eggs, deaths and more!

Here's the video I made for both the deaths and the Easter egg:

The Easter egg can be found by calling 555-SOLV or 555-7658. Nancy will start talking and will award you with an Easter egg for guessing that her next game would be Secret of the Scarlet Hand. I've been told that you can use this egg to see special things in the woods, but I haven't checked this out personally.

Here are a list of all the deaths:

The first death is in Sally's house when you walk on the rotten floorboards by the wall, you will fall through them.

The second death is when you are trying to fix the boat. If the screws are not fixed correctly, you will die in a motor boat explosion.

The third death happens only if you don't pick up the life jacket in the boat. If you didn't, Nancy will then drown.

The fourth death happens when you are trapped in the burning shed. If you give up trying to free yourself or seriously mess up, the shed will eventually explode with Nancy in it.

The fifth death is when you get out of the shed, if you don't put out the fire quick enough or you walk in the path to Red's observation platform, the shed will cause a forest fire.

The sixth death is when you open the well without draining the water first. The water will flood the room, instantly drowning Nancy.

The seventh death is when you go into the tunnels without a flashlight. If you continue to move through the dark despite what Nancy says, she will eventually scream for who knows what reason. We can only assume something tragic happened to her. We will never know for sure.

The eighth and final death is the classic escape from the culprit FAIL! If you wander around like a goon, or take too long to figure out what to do, the culprit will eventually catch you and you will die.


There were a few things that I did not do in any of my walkthrough videos.

The first was mentioned above. Wander around the forest with the Easter egg and see what happens.

You can call Bess and have funny conversations with her and George. I believe eventually one time when you call Frank and Joe will be there. They will ask you to call them and talk to them. So there you go a new phone contact!

If anyone knows of anything else, or if I was mistaken in one of the things I said above, don't be afraid to point them out to me. I don't want to confuse the people who read this blog but help them. I hope you enjoyed my video walkthroughs!

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